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Ayiti Cherie (My beloved Haiti)

Posted by on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 , under | comments (0)

Poem Dedicated to the Earthquake of Jan. 12th..

At a time like this, a spotlight has been shed on Haiti. A spotlight so bright, they can’t help but to point out the negatives and the poverty. But even though a poor nation, Haitians are rich in love, rich in family, rich in unity and rich in life.
Growing up in Haiti, I didn’t feel poor; I didn’t feel bad for my country. I had a great childhood.
I have great memories of swimming in the bluest of waters, picking fresh fruits from the trees, and hanging out late nights with friends and neighbors, adults and kids, alike, telling jokes. All of which starting with the required KRIK? to which the audience would yell back KRAK!
I have great memories of playing soccer with homemade balls made with plastic bags stuffed with clothes and toys and tied up with strings.
I have great memories of nightly lessons where my grandma would sit all the girls down and teach us how to be ladies, how to be wives, how to be mothers.
But my greatest memory of Haiti is also my greatest source of pride. Every year, from January to April, we would take the time to work on homemade flags then on May 18th, all the children, dressed in their Sunday best, would line up and march to the Presidential Palace singing our song and waiving our flags!
And speaking of our flag, our motto, written on the crest, is “L’union Fait La Force” (Strength in Unity). As a people, we take these words to heart. My family is Your family. I can run into any Haitian, on any street, in any country, and although a stranger, they will treat me as their own.
As a people, Haitians are born to lose but built to win. We’re made for war but are a people of peace. We love America, but Adore Haiti. Ayiti Cheri, she’s our first love.

Who is Lady Chelle

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1. Who is Lady Chelle?

Lady Chelle is 239's Eye Candy..Ms Zoe Eye Candy aka the Fun Size Zoe! My goal is to be on the cover of magazines, and ultimately run my own Entertainment magazine.

2. Where you born and raised in Lee County?

No, I was born and raised in Port au Prince, Haiti..But since 1996 I've had the pleasure to call Lee County Home.

3. What is your heritage?

Haiiiitiiiann Baaaabiiii!

4. How long have you been doing what you do?

Actually not that long, I decided to fully pursue modeling in October of 2009

5. How did you get started in this industry? What was your motivation?

Ive been thru alot in my young life and I wanted to prove, mainly to my daughters, that you can go thru through the pits of hell, be at your lowest, and still come out on top!

6. What has been the BEST moment so far in your career?

Being able to represent my homeland (Haiti) during its time of crisis.

7. Whats the BEST thing about being in this industry?

The perks I guess, the doesnt like Free?

8. Walk me thru your creative process, do you have any SPECIAL routines?

Beyonce on the Ipod, imaginary Hater Blockers on, walk in to the set like I OWN it!

9. What is the Weirdest thing about you?

Im afraid of untasted bread or rather me choking on it!

10. Who's #1 in your life?

I actually have 5 number 1s (can a gurl be greedy? lol)...Of Course God, then my babies

11. Which superhero would you compare yourself to? Why?

Wonder Woman..Definately!...coz i sure Wonder about me

12. Name 3 things you cannot live without.

Internet, Cell phone, and music

13. What's your all time favorite quote?

"It be like that sometimes"

14. Who's your all time favorite artist to listen to?

Mary J. Blidge!!!

15. Define "success"....

Being fulfilled by your accomplishments...being able to sit back, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor..

16. How do you relax?

Climbing under my covers with a good book

17. What is your biggest fear?

Hmm...Snakes, the dark, heights, drowning to death...

18. If you could choose any other profession? Which would you choose and Why?

Id choose to be a would be such a rewarding career..

19. Define "real"....

Being who you are at all times, even when no one is watching.

20. Define "sexy".....
